Behaviour Curriculum

At St Stephen’s, we expect high standards of behaviour from all pupils at all times during the school day.

Our Behaviour Curriculum sets out our rules, routines, and expectations. Whilst many rules and routines are consistent across school, others are specific to the age of the pupils. Appropriate and reasonable adjustments to rules and routines are made for pupils with individual needs, e.g. SEND. These rules, routines and expectations are rooted in the values by which we seek to live. It is called a ‘curriculum’ because we recognise that positive behaviour needs to be taught, practised, and re-taught so that all children learn what is expected of them.

The Behaviour Curriculum is taught and reinforced by all staff, including leaders, teachers, support staff, trainee teachers and volunteers. Leaders and staff praise compliance with these expectations and are unrelenting in challenging pupils where behaviour falls short (using sanctions as appropriate, in line with our Behaviour Policy).

We strongly encourage all parents to talk to their child(ren) about the behaviours that are expected of them at St Stephen’s Church of England Primary School.

A copy of the Behaviour Curriculum can be found within the Behaviour Policy, and can be downloaded below.

Each section of the Behaviour Curriculum has a corresponding poster with symbols or images to represent each of the expectations. These posters are used by all class groups to teach the rules, routines and expectations to children.

Copies of these posters can be downloaded below.