Young Leaders Scheme

At St Stephen's, every child in Year 6 is part of our Young Leaders scheme. At the beginning of the year, they apply for their preferred roles; members of staff then assign a role to each child. All roles are of equal status and value - we do not have a Head Boy / Head Girl scheme.

Our Young Leaders seek to enact positive change, within the school community and beyond, as we pursue our school vision. They lead campaigns, organise events, and play a significant role in the life of the school.

We support our young leaders to flourish in these roles, empowering them to make decisions and providing them with the opportunity to complete the Archbishop's Young Leaders Award.

To see what our Young Leaders have been up to, search the hashtag #ssyoungleaders on Twitter / X.

Our Young Leader roles are:

  • Communications Team

  • Welcome Team

  • Climate Action Leaders

  • Community Team

  • School Council Leaders

  • Creative Team

  • Curriculum Team

  • Ethos Leaders

  • Sports Champions

  • Play Leaders

  • Reading Champions

  • Charity Champions

There are usually 3 to 4 children on each team.

A document outlining examples of responsibilities for each team can be downloaded below.