Curriculum Statement
At St Stephen's our curriculum has been developed with the values of our school at heart. It is ever changing and constantly under review by teachers and subject leaders, adapting to children's needs and world events. Subjects are woven together where applicable, with links to English and reading to provide maximum opportunity for children to gain reading practice. Our Key Stage Overviews show topics covered in each cycle and have the end of unit expectations identified on the overall plan. British values, courageous advocacy and spirituality as well as outdoor learning opportunities are highlighted on the long term overviews.
At St. Stephen’s, we are proud that we all ‘Aspire to Greatness’ in our diverse school. Our cultures and faiths mix and pupils are exposed to diversity of background whilst committing to the core shared values of the school. Within this unique environment, our curriculum enhances learning opportunities for all children. This is achieved through planning a broad, balanced and cohesive curriculum where children develop their cultural capital. Entwined in our schemes of work, are opportunities for children to experience learning inside and outside of the classroom. They also explore the locality and beyond through planned trips and visits. We celebrate each other’s faith practices, have opportunities to enhance learning though a wide menu of enrichment activities and have the freedom and independence to develop empathy and kindness We have developed a curriculum which identifies the sequence of key knowledge and skills, drawn from the National Curriculum and we maximise the opportunity for children to develop British Values. Children know more and understand more as they retrieve information. They acquire the necessary vocabulary for thinking and are encouraged to explain their understanding.
Lessons are taught using systematic and progressive sequences which build upon what the children have previously learnt. This happens in all subjects and ensures progression and differentiation in children’s learning. Clear outcomes are worked towards and learning is checked regularly, in line with our marking and assessment policy. This enables staff to address misunderstandings and correct these as appropriate and which informs a teaching ethos where children are supported to learn and progress at an appropriate pace for them. Our aim is to ensure the transference of fluent knowledge and skills into children’s long-term memories in the most effective ways possible whilst developing vocabulary. To ensure coverage, we have a dedicated time allocation for each subject where teachers can deliver the curriculum in a creatve and engaging manner . Timetabling maximises the opportunity for subjects to be linked to Literacy lessons and we endeavour to make cross curricular links wherever possible. ICT, Maths and Literacy are particularly linked into the learning of other subjects and regular reading for enjoyment and purpose is highlighted as a priority for our pupils. Through the implementation of our curriculum, teachers and school leaders establish a culture for learning where no child is disadvantaged.
The impact of our curriculum is evident in the outcomes of our pupils. This evidence is collected and analysed in a variety of ways. We use a variety of ongoing assessments of children’s learning in order that we can constantly reflect on the impact of our teaching and can ensure we plan learning opportunities which are meeting individual children’s needs. This allows us to constantly capture their progress and ensure they are given the best possible opportunities to meet the end of year expectations.
Everything we do in our school impacts on our children and their futures. At St. Stephen’s we aim to maximise the impact of learning through accurately assessing children's understanding - using monitoring of the curriculum to adapt schemes of work so that children make the best gains in their knowledge and understanding.